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In Kafka, if one message broker goes down, how Kafka handles offsets and reprocessing?

 In Kafka, when a message broker goes down, Kafka's design ensures fault tolerance and the ability to handle such situations without losing data or compromising the offset commit process.

Here's how Kafka handles offsets and reprocessing in the event of a broker failure:


Kafka replicates data across multiple brokers. Each partition has multiple replicas (usually configured with a replication factor).

When a broker goes down, the leader for each partition that was on that broker might be lost, but Kafka ensures that one of the in-sync replicas (ISR) becomes the new leader.

Offset Committing:

Consumers commit offsets to a Kafka topic named __consumer_offsets, which is also replicated across brokers.

Kafka guarantees that committed offsets are durable and won't be lost even if a broker fails.

Recovery and Rebalancing:

When a broker goes down, Kafka's controller handles the recovery process. It triggers leader elections for affected partitions.

Consumer group coordination and rebalancing are managed by ZooKeeper or the newer consumer group protocol in more recent Kafka versions.

Consumers regularly communicate their progress (committed offsets) to Kafka. If a broker fails during this process, the consumer group coordinator detects it and initiates a rebalance.

Offset Replicas:

Kafka replicates the __consumer_offsets topic similarly to other topics. This replication ensures that committed offsets are stored redundantly.

Consumer Offset Fetching:

When a consumer reconnects or a rebalance occurs due to a broker failure, it retrieves committed offsets from the replicated __consumer_offsets topic.

Consumers continue processing from the last committed offset, ensuring that they resume where they left off, even if a broker failure interrupted their progress.

Overall, Kafka's design with replication, fault tolerance mechanisms, and committed offset handling ensures durability and fault tolerance even in the event of a broker failure. Consumers are designed to fetch their offsets from a durable, replicated storage (the __consumer_offsets topic), allowing them to resume processing without losing data or missing messages.

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