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Java Tech News

Description: Get ahead of the curve and start developing Ajax applications today. This is your source for Java tools, technologies and expert advice.

  • Dec 18: 2nd Life Intro to Web App Development
    Join Dana Nourie December 18th, Tues 9 AM PST and 7 PM PST, in href="http://www.secondlife.com" target="_blank">Second Life at
    the Sun Microsystems Developer Playground to discover how
    easy it is to create web pages and apps in Java. Learn about
    NetBeans, JSPs, beans, database binding, the cool JMaki widgets and
    gadgets and gizmos. Watch a demo and get your questions answered.

  • NetBeans IDE 6.0!
    Let the new NetBeans IDE make you a smarter, faster coder. Get it and
    take advantage of new and improved features you asked for, like
    visual web development, visual game design, enterprise development,
    data binding, integrated profiling, Ruby, Swing, and lots more.

    Download Now

    Learn More

    Free DVD

  • Deep Dive Video on jMaki
    jMaki is a lightweight framework that makes it easy to build Ajax-based web applications. Learn more in this Deep Dive with jMaki Project lead, Greg Murray.

  • New jMaki Charting Stuff
    jMaki introduced an additional
    set of
    widgets and sample applications for doing pie charts, line charts, area
    charts and bar charts. These widgets can be easily installed in the
    NetBeans IDE as an add-on component library. href="https://jmaki-charting.dev.java.net/">jMaki Charting widget
    library and Java and PHP samples can be downloaded from href="https://jmaki-charting.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?
    folderID=0">jMaki Charting dowload page
    . The details to participate
    as a user or contributor are available on the href="https://ajax.dev.java.net/community.html">Community Page.

  • Tim Bray Advises Shanghai Developers to Ride the Web 2.0 Wave
    In a Tech Days keynote, Bray advises developers to continue to use
    Java but also consider the time-to-market advantages of some Web 2.0

  • Sun Sponsors O'Reilly Web 2.0 Summit Oct 17-19 in San Francisco
    This conference is sold out. But you can get on a list for the 2008 conference.

  • Tech Days Rome: the Ajax Report
    Sun's New2Java editor, Dana Nourie reviews the session Ajax Frameworks and Toolkits, and Building Rich Web Applications using jMaki and Phobos.

  • Restricting Access to Ajax Services
    This article highlights some techniques for restricting access to Ajax-based services. It then focuses on using URL-based API keys, which gives you fine-grained protection and allows you to track, meter, and restrict usage of a service.

  • Sept 23-26 2007: 4 Rockin' Days of Ajax
    Sun is a gold sponsor at AJAXWorld 2007. Bob Brewin is a keynote speaker, plus hear Greg Murray, Nandini Ramani, Roberto Chinnici, and Jean-Francois Arcand, and Francois Orsini.

  • jMaki, PHP and GlassFish: Using Caucho Quercus
    This blog entry shows how jMaki widgets can be embedded in a PHP page and deployed on GlassFish.

  • jMaki User Group Meeting: Santa Clara, CA
    Open to the public. Get involved.

  • Deep Dive: Project Tango, An Interview With Arun Gupta (Vodcast)
    Java.sun.com writer Ed Ort interviews Arun Gupta, Sun Technology Evangelist for Web Services and Next Gen Web Apps (a.k.a., Web 2.0), about Project Tango and how it enables web service interoperability between Java and .NET environments.

  • Learning JavaFX Script, Part 2: Remote Communication Using RMI
    Learn how to use RMI to effortlessly demonstrate and test client-server functionality with JavaFX Script technology.

  • Mashup Styles, Part 2: Client-Side Mashups
    Learn how a client-side mashup works, and explore some of the considerations related to this mashup approach.

  • Screencast #Web 5 - Creating Mashups with jMaki
    Mashing up the Maps screencast_web5_creating_mashups_with
    This screencast shows how jMaki allow to embed and interact with map widgets in your application.

  • First JRuby App in GlassFish - Screencast
    Learn how to develop a JRuby application using the NetBeans IDE and deploy it on GlassFish.

  • Screencast #Web4: Creating Mashups with jMaki - Display RSS feed in jMaki Widgets
    This mashup pulls RSS feed from a blog entry and display it in two different widgets, without any extra effort. The NetBeans IDE is used for tooling and the jMaki-enabled web application is deployed on GlassFish.

  • End-to-End Tracing of Ajax/Java Applications Using DTrace
    Learn how the Solaris DTrace tool can help trace Ajax applications, starting from the JavaScript code executed in a browser environment, to
    the Java back-end on the server side, and beyond.

  • Sign up for Portlets, Portals, and Ajax starting July 23
    Learn how to use the Portal Server and to how to apply Ajax to portlets in Sang Shin's online Ajax Code Camp.

  • Screencast #Web3: jMaki in Eclipse
    Find out how jMaki plug-in can be installed in Eclipse 3.3 (codename Europa) and how easy it is to build jMaki-enabled web applications.

  • jMaki and Google Gears
    Greg Murray gets you up and running with Google Gears, integrating it with other jMaki components as an extension.

  • Screencast: jMaki on Rails for Dummies
    This screencast shows how a jMaki-wrapped Yahoo DataTable widget can be used to pull data from MySQL database using ActiveRecord in a
    Rails application.

  • Cometd and Bayeux in Grizzly
    The Cometd framework and its Bayeux protocol is now supported starting
    with Grizzly 1.0.11 and GlassFish 9.1 b35. Jean-Francois Arcand's blogs
    about the gCometd implementation, how to enable it and describes a DOJO
    cometd enabled example.

  • Ajax Code Camp: JavaServer Faces (JSF) and Ajax Integration
    JavaServer Faces provides a component-model architecture through which you can build an Ajax application by drag-and-dropping Ajax-enabled JavaServer Faces components in an IDE such as Sun Java Studio Creator.

  • If You Build It In Ajax, They Will Come
    Read Ed Ort's review of the irreverent Java Rock Stars, Ben Galbraith and Dion Almaer, co-founders of the Ajax community site Ajaxian.com. Wildly popular speakers on the techie conference circuit, Galbraith and Almaer demonstrated Ajax techniques and highlighted some of the lessons learned from the first highly successful "Ajax innovators" and examined what's new and cool in the Ajax arena.

  • Download Next-Generation Web JavaOne Hands-On Labs
    From Ajax to Comet to Spring to Phobos, download the JavaOne Hands-On Labs and experience Web 2.0 web applications for yourself.

  • Ajaxifying JavaServer Faces Components: A JavaOne Hands-On Lab
    Use dynamic faces Ajax zones to easily enable plain old JSF components to send Ajax requests, dynamically update other components with the Ajax response, and use an Ajax Transaction to continually poll the server. By the end of the exercise, you have created a simple chat room!

  • Ajax Code Camp: Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
    GWT is definitely an interesting technology to explore for building Ajax applications especially for those who want to leverage their Java knowledge. The current version of NetBeans GWT plug-in does not support "creating a WAR" feature yet. That will be provided in the next version.

  • 2007 JavaOne Conference Registration Is LIVE!
    Register today for the JavaOne conference and save $100! The program is new and expanded. Learn More.

  • Open Possibilities at CommunityOne
    Join us at CommunityOne, a free and open environment of participation, contribution, and innovation. In this one-day technical conference, you can explore groundbreaking open-source and community-based environments, technologies and platforms. Choose from sessions at NetBeans Day or Start-up Camp and in tracks on Web 2.0, the OpenSolaris operating system, OpenJDK / Mobile and Embedded, the RedMonk community, and the GlassFish project. Registration is free, but space is limited.

  • Mashup Styles, Part 1: Server-Side Mashups
    This series examines some of the most common approaches, or styles, for
    doing mashups. Part 1 focuses on server-side mashups and discusses the
    major design considerations related to this mashup style.

  • Fish for a Flat-Screen TV
    Blog about GlassFish for a chance to win a 52-inch LCD HD TV. Contest runs May 1-June 15, 2007.

  • Creating Web 2.0-Enabled Communities With Sun Java System Portal Server
    This article describes how Sun Java System Portal Server makes
    effective use of Web 2.0 features and concepts to help your users be
    more collaborative and productive.

  • NetBeans Sample Applications Catalog
    From building a web application that uses Google Maps to putting
    Dilbert on your mobile phone, you'll find a NetBeans sample application
    you just have to download.

  • Get jMaki v.9
    Download this new stable release of jMaki today

  • Ajax Code Camp: ProtoType
    Prototype is a popular JavaScript library. In fact, several other JavaScript libraries use Prototype underneath. In this session, you are going to learn various utility functions.

  • Web 2.0 Expo: Moscone West, San Francisco, California
    Don't miss these great Sun speakers at the Web 2.0 Expo: Dr. Jim Baty talks on Architecture for Humanity. Dan Roberts and Sanjay Sharma tell you how to Jumpstart Your Startup. Roberto Chinnici tells you why Scripting and the Java Platform is a Marriage Made in Heaven.

  • Ajax interfaces in Java
    Ben Galbraith says that jMaki in the Sun Web Developer Pack "offers a compelling model for creating richcomponent-oriented Ajax interfaces in Java."

  • NetBeans Sample Code for Ajax Books
    This java.net group is creating NetBeans sample code for existing Ajax-related books so that it's easier for developers to build and run the application described in the books.

  • Adding Ajax to JavaServer Faces Technology With Dynamic Faces
    Learn how to use Dynamic Faces, included in the new Sun Web Developer Pack, to add first-class Ajax support to your JavaServer Faces technology-based application.

  • SDN Wins Jolt Award for Best Website/Developer Network
    The Sun Developer Network (SDN) won the 2007 Jolt award for best website/developer network. Jolt calls SDN the #1 "indispensable site for developers." Read about the 17th Annual Jolt Awards.

  • Introducing the Java Pet Store 2.0 Application
    Work with the Java Pet Store 2.0 demo and the Java EE 5 platform to develop an Ajax-enabled Web 2.0 application that is user-driven, user-organized, and user-policed.

  • Sun Web Developer Pack
    Simplify development of your Web 2.0 applications with this all-in-one download.

  • Java Marcher: Patrice Goutin's Blog
    Read part 1 and part 2 in a blog series that discusses how to develop and deploy JSR 168 portlets for the Sun Java Enterprise System portal.

  • Startups in the Web 2.0 Era
    Meet the founder of EchoSign, a startup that plugs the analog hole in digital signature management.
    Check it out on SDN Channel.

  • Add Ajax to JavaServer Faces Components
    Find out how to use the basic features of Dynamic Faces to add Ajax capabilities to JavaServer Faces components.

  • Introducing jMaki Charting
    jMaki Charting is a BSD based open source project focusing on providing jMaki enabled widgets for charting.

  • Introduction to jMaki
    Learn the basics of jMaki in this tech tip.

  • Introduction to Ajax for Page Authors
    Here's everything you need to know to put Ajax in your web pages using
    Ajax components, widgets, JavaScript technology, and other techniques.

  • jMakifying Roller's JSON (video)
    Building on Dave Johnson's Roller/JSON post, Alexis wrote a simple application consuming Roller-generated data using the jMaki framework and NetBeans 5.5. jMaki, as any framework in the Ajax space, consumes JSON data and provides a wrapper technology around existing Ajax components.

  • The Ajax Moment Mushrooms into The Web 2.0 Movement
    Countless themes and memes will be front and center at AjaxWorld 2007 East in NYC. 100+ sessions cover every aspect of Ajax-enabled
    applications and those creating and deploying them.

  • Intro to Ajax and Java Technology by the Experts
    A 15-minute video series of interviews with experts from Sun and elsewhere to explore how Ajax and Java technology converge to simplify the creation of auto-complete, form validation, data refresh, and other dynamic Web application functions.

  • Getting Data from a Bean
    Learn how to get the data from a bean using an EL expression, as you can with most other JSP tags.

  • Sun loves Startups!
    Learn about Sun's StartUp Camp and our exclusive new startup offerings to help you think big and spend less.
    Hear first-hand from the winners of the "speed geeking" contest on what it takes to get started. Learn about the Startup Essentials Program and more, on the SDN Channel.

  • Building Web 2.0 Apps with jMaki
    In this blog entry, Carla Mott uses the NetBeans plugin to build a web app that uses the standard layout template, the Dojo fisheye widget for navigation, the Yahoo Geocoder and Google map widgets.

  • The Zen of jMaki
    Enjoy Greg Murray's Javapolis presentation on jMaki with basic examples,
    history, mindset and motivation.\

  • NetBeans Visual Web Pack 5.5 Now Available
    The NetBeans Visual Web Pack (derived from the award-winning Sun Java Studio Creator software) lets you rapidly and visually build standards-based web applications using JavaServer Faces and Ajax components.

  • Insights From Jesse James Garrett, the Guy who Coined the Term Ajax
    Ed Ort blogs from the Web Builder 2.0 Conference: Ajax is a design pattern more than a set of technologies, and other technologies will likely supplant it.

  • Mashups a Big Deal at the Web 2.0/Ajax World Conference
    Ed Ort's report from Caesar's Palace gives you a glimpse into the new world of Ajax and Web 2.0.

  • Hands-On Java EE 5
    What's the best way to introduce Ajax into your legacy application? This article series guides you through Ajax implementations,
    starting with writing the necessary code by hand, then using an open-source toolkit, and finally implementing JavaServer Faces components.

  • NetBeans IDE 5.5 is Released
    Check out the new Mobility Pack, Profiler Pack, Enterprise Pack, C/C++ Pack (Beta 3),
    and a technology preview of the Visual Web Pack. NetBeans 5.5 supports the Java EE 5.0
    platform, including the Java Persistence, EJB 3 and JAX-WS 2.0 specifications.

  • Java BluePrints for Ajax-Enabled Web 2.0 Applications
    Sean Brydon reminds us of this still very relevant JavaOne talk on how to build a web application on the Java EE 5 platform. Discussed are the design choices and decisions made for the new Java Pet Store 2.0.

  • Ajax Experience Conference
    This conference features over fifty technically focused sessions across three full days spanning four parallel tracks with over twenty five speakers.

  • New Technologies for Ajax and Web Application Development: Project jMaki, Project Dynamic Faces, and Project Phobos
    Read the first in a series of introductory articles about new projects that make developing interactive and dynamic web applications easier.

  • JDJ asks: Ajax, What's In It for Java?
    No company on earth had more speakers on the inaugural Ajax World speaker faculty than Sun, including Greg Murray Servlet 2.5 Specification Lead, now the Ajax architect for Sun.
    committed to making sure that developers and IT architects are aware how Ajax is agnostic as to what server-side language is being used, be it Java, ColdFusion, PHP, .NET, Perl or whatever.
    Read the article.

  • Choose Your Ajax Design Strategy
    Choose 1 of 6 strategies: Do it Yourself, Use a Client-Side JavaScript Technology Library, Use a Client-Server Framework, Do the Wrap Thing, Go Remote, Go All Java Technology.

  • Scratching your head over how to incorporate Ajax technologies into your legacy application?
    There's more than one way to do it with the Java EE 5 SDK and related tools. These hands-on articles detail four approaches by examining a series of NetBeans 5.5 projects based on a single example. The first two articles are available now: Hands-On Java EE and Creating an Ajax-Enabled Bookstore Application, A Do-It-Yourself Approach.

  • JavaServer Faces: The Complete Reference
    Deliver feature-rich, cross-browser Internet applications using JavaServer Faces and this one-stop guide.

  • Including Ajax Functionality in a Custom JavaServer Faces Component
    This tutorial describes how to add the power of Ajax to JavaServer Faces components with some help from the DOJO toolkit.

  • Comet Basics
    There are some very good detailed technical explanations of Comet already, but it seems there is some room for a basic discussion of what it is about, what it is good for ? and how it jives with Ajax.

  • Sun Web Server as a Web 2.0 Platform
    CVR's latest blog reviews a number of Web 2.0 Applications running on Sun Java System Web Server.
    For the details, check these blogs: Deploying JSPWiki by Sriram (and see the Companion Arcticle);
    JAAS Login Configuration for JSPWiki) by Joe; and Running jMaki, by Sabada.

  • Project jMaki Gets a Facelift and a Widget Gallery
    Check out the cool new Project jMaki home page and the new visual, Ajax-based widget gallery.

  • New Course: Developing JavaServer Faces Web Applications with Ajax using Java Studio Creator
    A new 2-day workshop for developers interested in leveraging existing
    JSF and Ajax-based web-tier components to build web applications. SDN
    members - use your priority code to get 10% off.

  • Create Applications Using a Visual Development Environment
    Learn how to develop web applications with Java Studio Creator in just 2 hours. Topics include: components in the visual interface (including Ajax components), creating a project, page navigation, binding components to back-end services, deploying a project, and securing your applications with JAAS.

  • JavaServer Faces, Java Studio Creator, and Ajax
    Chris Kutler shows you how to use jMaki to add a dojo combobox component to a JavaServer Faces application built using using Java Studio Creator.

  • Best Practices for Applying Ajax to JSR 168 Portlets
    Through a sample portlet, this article describes several tips on how to take maximum advantage of the benefits of using Ajax in portlets and suggests workarounds for pitfalls.

  • New jMaki Tutorials for JSP and JavaServer Faces
    Jennifer Ball posted two new tutorials on how to use jMaki widgets:
    Getting Started Using jMaki Widgets as JSP Tag Handlers and
    Using jMaki Widgets as JavaServer Faces Components.
    Also see the earlier tutorial Using jMaki Widgets.

  • Introducing Project Dynamic Faces
    Take a look at the early access release of Project Dynamic Faces (DynaFaces). Also visit the slides and screencasts page for an introductory presentation by Ed Burns

  • Using Default Renderers in JavaServer Faces Technology to Add Ajax Functionality to Existing Components
    Read about how to use JavaServer Faces technology to build a library of reusable components and make your web pages' Ajax functionality available to a large community of users.

  • Building Mashup Components
    Find out how to build a sample Mashup Portlet by merging geospatial data with an Ajax-based mapping service and deploy to Sun Java System Portal Server 7

  • Using a jMaki Widget in Phobos Application
    Last week Jennifer Ball blogged on how to use the new publish/subscribe mechanism in jMaki to handle an event of the jMaki fisheye widget. This week, she describes how she used the jMaki fisheye widget to implement the same use case in a Phobos application.

  • Ask the JavaServer Faces Experts about Ajax Components
    Ed Burns and Roger Kitain, the co-leads of the JavaServer Faces 1.2 specification, will answer your questions about JavaServer Faces. This technology provides a rich architecture for managing the state of user interface components, processing component data, validating user input, and handling events. Among other things, this makes the technology ideal for implementing Ajax in a web application.

  • Screencast: Preview the Ajax-Enabled Portlet Features in Portal Server 7.1
    Watch this screencast demo on new features coming in Java ES R5. See the Ajax portlet container in action with drag-and-drop visual Ajax-style customization and personalization, asynchronous loading of channels, individualized controls, identity-based content delivery, and more.

  • Use jMaki's Pub/Sub to Handle UI Events
    Jennifer Ball shows how to use the jMaki pub/sub mechanism to handle UI events - for example - events generated by widget onClick events. The example demonstrates how to integrate this mechanism with the dojo Fisheye widget. The Pub/Sub mechanism is a recent addition to jMaki; you can browse the code here, and there is a sample app showing two widgets interacting here.

  • Event Handling in jMaki: the New Publish/Subscribe Mechanism
    Tech Writer Jennifer Ball blogs on how to use the new publish and subscribe mechanism available in jMaki to handle events
    generated by jMaki widget. Once you publish a topic for a widget, you can subscribe to the topic from any application
    and respond to a widget event however you like...hardcoding specific behavior into the widget is not necessary.

  • Free 10-week Ajax Programming Course
    In this online course, learn the basic concepts of Ajax and how to use the various Ajax frameworks and toolkits like Dojo, jMaki, Google Web, and Ajax-enabled JavaServer Faces components. Both new and experienced Ajax coders will benefit.

  • Download the Java BluePrints Petstore 2.0 Reference Application
    See the Java EE 5 platform used for Ajax, RSS and client-side/server-side mashups with JavaServer Faces and Java Persistence APIs. The included full source-code uses Google Maps, PayPal, an RSS feed and more. Get instructions on how to download, configure,and deploy, and see some screen shots in Mark Basler's blog.

  • jMaki, the Spry Accordion Widget, and Java Studio Creator Projects
    Chris Kutler reports on how use the Spry Accordion jMaki widget to display a page fragment menu in an application built using the Sun Java Studio Creator IDE. Read how she used the jMaki tag library to add the Accordion widget to her page fragment.

  • Ajax Security: Restricting Access to your Ajax Services
    Greg Murray blogs on how to prevent JSONP techniques from hijacking your services by restricting service access.

Java SDN

Description: Product and technology highlights from the Sun Developer Network.

    Java EE 5 SDK Update 4 Released
  • This production-ready SDK includes Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Update 1 featuring clustering support and intuitive administration with news and information at your fingertips.

    Tech Tip: Using SSL with GlassFish v2
  • This tip shows you how to enable the GlassFish v2 application server as an Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) server.

    Securing Applications With Identity Services, Part 2: Authorization
  • Learn how to configure OpenSSO with identity services so as to allow users to perform tasks for which they have been authorized. Identity services are interfaces that support authentication, authorization, and other related services with SOAP or REST technology. Also read Part 1, which describes how to authenticate users with the interfaces.

    Sun Microsystems Developer Playground
  • Join Dana Nourie December 18th, Tues 9 AM PST and 7 PM PST, in Second Life at the Sun Microsystems Developer Playground to discover how easy it is to learn the Java platform through web programming. Watch a demo and have your questions answered.

    JavaFX Script Plug-in for NetBeans Release
  • The milestone 3 release of JavaFX Script plugin for the NetBeans IDE 6.0 FCS is available for download . It includes new features in the source editor: code folding, code completion, and support of syntax highlighting preference setting via the Options window.

    Dec 18: 2nd Life Intro to Web App Development
  • Join Dana Nourie December 18th, Tues 9 AM PST and 7 PM PST, in href="http://www.secondlife.com" target="_blank">Second Life at
    the Sun Microsystems Developer Playground to discover how
    easy it is to create web pages and apps in Java. Learn about
    NetBeans, JSPs, beans, database binding, the cool JMaki widgets and
    gadgets and gizmos. Watch a demo and get your questions answered.

    NetBeans IDE 6.0!
  • Let the new NetBeans IDE make you a smarter, faster coder. Get it and
    take advantage of new and improved features you asked for, like
    visual web development, visual game design, enterprise development,
    data binding, integrated profiling, Ruby, Swing, and lots more.

    Download Now

    Learn More

    Free DVD

    Implementing RESTful Web Services in Java
  • This Tech Tip shows you how to write RESTful web services in Java that conform to the JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR 311) specification and its reference implementation - Jersey.

    Provisioning Sun Java System Application Server With N1SPS
  • Need to swing a bigger hammer when deploying Sun Java System Application Server across your enterprise? Use Sun N1 Service Provisioning System 6.0 (N1SPS) Plug-In with the N1SPS extensible architecture. The plug-in makes it easy to install, configure, and manage application server installations across your enterprise.

    Java SE 6 Performance White Paper
  • This overview of performance and scalability improvements in Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (Java SE 6) provides benchmark results that demonstrate the impact of these improvements.

    Adding a Google Map to a Sample JavaServer Faces Catalog Application
  • In her blog, Carol McDonald demonstrates how to add a map to a sample store catalog application using JAX-WS, JavaServer Faces, and Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0.

    Connecting Widgets in jMaki
  • In her blog, Carla Mott describes how to use the publish/subscribe mechanism in jMaki to connect widgets for peer-to-peer and anonymous communication.

    Deep Dive Video on jMaki
  • jMaki is a lightweight framework that makes it easy to build Ajax-based web applications. Learn more in this Deep Dive with jMaki Project Lead Greg Murray.

    Deep Dive Video on jMaki
  • jMaki is a lightweight framework that makes it easy to build Ajax-based web applications. Learn more in this Deep Dive with jMaki Project lead, Greg Murray.

    Sun Java System Access Manager and Sun Java System Federation Manager FAQ
  • Newly published are four sections--General, Administration Console, Authentication, and SSO and Sessions--on interoperability, user interfaces, password resets, certificates, single sign-on, and other topics. More sections are forthcoming.

    GlassFish Podcast
  • Listen to this two-part interview with Vivek Pandey on GlassFish web services.

    New jMaki Charting Stuff
  • jMaki introduced an additional
    set of
    widgets and sample applications for doing pie charts, line charts, area
    charts and bar charts. These widgets can be easily installed in the
    NetBeans IDE as an add-on component library. href="https://jmaki-charting.dev.java.net/">jMaki Charting widget
    library and Java and PHP samples can be downloaded from href="https://jmaki-charting.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?
    folderID=0">jMaki Charting dowload page
    . The details to participate
    as a user or contributor are available on the href="https://ajax.dev.java.net/community.html">Community Page.

    Socket Logging
  • Learn how to set up a logging handler and configure the server.

    Java EE Screencasts
  • Watch these new screencasts from Arun Gupta: Create a Secure and Reliable Web Service Using Metro/GlassFish and NetBeans IDE 6.0 and JRuby Module in GlassFish Update Center.

    Enterprise Java Technologies Tech Tips
  • Read these tips on Client-Side Polling With Dynamic Faces and Testing Interoperability Between Metro and .NET.

    Securing Applications With Identity Services, Part 1: Authentication
  • By configuring OpenSSO, Sun's open-source project for Sun Java System Access Manager, you can authenticate users with identity-service interfaces that support SOAP/WSDL and REST. This article describes the procedure through an example application built with the NetBeans IDE.

    Multilingual Support Available for Java EE Downloads
  • Java EE 5 SDK Update 3, Java Application Platform SDK Update 3 Beta, and Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 now offer multilingual support. See translated documentation and view the Java EE Downloads page in Japanese and Simplified Chinese.

    JavaOne Conference - Call for Papers Is Open
  • Share your experience and expertise with the developer community. Submit your proposal today. Deadline is November 16, 2007.

    jMaki App Using Google Gears
  • Read about the simple app Carla Mott built and demo'd at AjaxWorld, which uses Google Gears for local storage and sends data to the server upon user request.

    Ed Ort Interviews NetBeans Evangelist Roman Strobl
  • In this Sun Tech Days Milan interview, Roman Strobl highlights the most significant new features in NetBeans IDE 6.0.

    Running PHP With Quercus in Sun Java System Web Server
  • Learn how to configure and deploy Quercus, an open-source, Java technology implementation of PHP 5, as a web application within Web Server's web container so as to run PHP applications. The process involves only a few steps.

    Tim Bray Advises Shanghai Developers to Ride the Web 2.0 Wave
  • In a Tech Days keynote, Bray advises developers to continue to use
    Java but also consider the time-to-market advantages of some Web 2.0

    Sample Catalog Application Using JRuby and Rails
  • The RRCatalog sample application described in this blog demonstrates the usage of JRuby and Rails to implement pagination of data sets for a store catalog.

    Looking for Scripting Resources?
  • Look no further. Find scripts, wraps, languages...everything you need to do JavaScript, Ajax, Ruby, JavaFX, jMaki, PHP, Python, C, DTrace, and more.

    Introducing the OpenDS Project
  • OpenDS, an open-source project for a directory service that boasts ease of use and scalability, has made remarkable strides since its launch in 2005. Read about its goals, benefits, progress, and upcoming milestones.

    NetBeans: The IDE for All Developers
  • Discover how the NetBeans IDE can provide easy drag-and-drop tools and widgets for web designers, as well as other types of developers who are using a variety of programming languages.

    New Look for SDN's Identity Management Hub
  • Visit the redesigned developer site for Sun's identity management solutions: overview, downloads, and reference at your fingertips. More identity-centric content on Sun products and open-source projects is forthcoming! Be sure to check back often.

    Installing Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 in Solaris Zones
  • Solaris zones provide isolated environments for application instances, but propagation among zones complicates installations and updates. This article helps you develop the best strategy for installing Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (GlassFish V2) in Solaris zones.

    Clustering in GlassFish Version 2
  • Looking for high availability and scalability in your enterprise web application deployments? Try the new clustering capability of the GlassFish V2 application server. This article tells you how it works.

    Enterprise Java Technologies Tech Tips
  • Read these tech tips on Using Type Substitution With Web Services and Improving JSF Security Configuration With Secured Managed Beans.

    Installing, Configuring, and Deploying Sun Java System Access Manager the Simple Way
  • This article describes how to install Sun Java System Access Manager and deploy it on Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish), which takes only minutes to complete. Deployment works on most platforms on most containers that comply with Java Servlet 2.3. Have a try!

    Sun Tech Days
  • Read blogs providing coverage of recent Sun Tech Days conferences in Boston, MA and Rome and Milan, Italy. The blogs detail GlassFish Day and technical sessions on NetBeans, Solaris, Ajax, jMaki, and more. Be sure to check back often as Sun Tech Days travels around the world.

    Learning Curve Journal, Part 3: JavaFX Script Functions and Operations
  • Part 3 of the Learning Curve Journals describes the differences between functions and operations in JavaFX Script.

    User Authentication on the Solaris OS Part 3: PAM Conversation Functions
  • Learn to use the conversation functions of the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) API and examine a sample program.

    Solaris Express Developer Edition 9/07
  • This Solaris release, built from OpenSolaris code, includes the latest tools, technologies, and platforms to create Java applications on Solaris. Learn more, download, or have a DVD mailed to you.

    Sun Advances Security for the Java SE Platform
  • Sun Microsystems, Inc., is announcing two new Java SE security response features, each designed to strengthen the Java platform's position as one of the most widely used, secure software platforms available.

    Tech Days Rome: the Ajax Report
  • Sun's New2Java editor, Dana Nourie reviews the session Ajax Frameworks and Toolkits, and Building Rich Web Applications using jMaki and Phobos.

    Sun Sponsors O'Reilly Web 2.0 Summit Oct 17-19 in San Francisco
  • This conference is sold out. But you can get on a list for the 2008 conference.

    Handling Chunked Requests in Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
  • With chunked transfer coding, HTTP/1.1 clients can break a message body into chunks of arbitrary lengths. This article describes with examples how Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 processes chunked requests and how you can handle those requests in your NSAPI plug-ins.

    Restricting Access to Ajax Services
  • This article highlights some techniques for restricting access to Ajax-based services. It then focuses on using URL-based API keys, which gives you fine-grained protection and allows you to track, meter, and restrict usage of a service.

    Calculating Processor Utilisation From the UltraSPARC T1 and UltraSPARC T2 Performance Counters
  • Use the performance counters for the UltraSPARC T1 and UltraSPARC T2 processors to estimate core load and find potential areas for performance improvement.

    Java Application Platform SDK Update 3 Beta
  • This latest release provides these updates: Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 FCS, Open ESB V2 Preview 3, Sun Java System Access Manager 7.1 Patch 1 EA, and Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 1.0 Beta. Read the overview for details. And download it now.

    Sun and Microsoft Interoperate for Web Authentication, Part 3: Sun Java System Access Manager and Microsoft Outlook Web Access for Exchange Server 2003
  • Learn how to integrate Access Manager and OWA for single sign-on. Users can then authenticate with Access Manager and perform email tasks without logging in again. A big win in usability and time savings!

    How to Handle Java Finalization's Memory-Retention Issues
  • Learn how to avoid memory-retention problems when working with third-party classes that use finalizers.

    Sept 23-26 2007: 4 Rockin' Days of Ajax
  • Sun is a gold sponsor at AJAXWorld 2007. Bob Brewin is a keynote speaker, plus hear Greg Murray, Nandini Ramani, Roberto Chinnici, and Jean-Francois Arcand, and Francois Orsini.

    Ask the Experts: GlassFish V2 (Sept. 17-21)
  • Glassfish V2 builds on the quality and feature richness of the initial GlassFish application server implementation, GlassFish V1, to provide higher value-add features for the enterprise. Got a question about GlassFish V2? Post it during the week of September 17 and get answers from GlassFish experts.

    Locating Memory Access Errors With Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool
  • The Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool detects and reports common memory access errors such as accessing uninitialized memory, writing past the end of an array, or accessing memory after it has been freed.

    New JavaFX API Reference Available
  • The new community-generated JavaFX API Reference is now available for JavaFX classes. It lists brief descriptions of the classes and contains links to additional information.

    Learning Curve, Part 2: Declarative User Interfaces
  • Programmers use procedural code to define the user interface (UI) in the Java language but in JavaFX Script, you can use declarative statements to define the UI. John O'Conner ports an existing application to illustrate the differences.

    New from blogs.sun.com
  • Here's a sampling of recent Sun blogs that provide JavaFX demos:

    Radhika Gehant implements a Celsius Converter app.

    Praveen Mohan offers several demos, including this rudimentary screensaver.

    David Grieve, on a slightly twisted note, connects the emerging art of parkour with JavaFX Mobile.

    Learning JavaFX Script, Part 3: Client-Server Communication With JAX-WS
  • This tutorial shows you how to use JavaFX Script in conjunction with NetBeans IDE 5.5.1 to access a web service using JAX-WS 2.1.

    Tech Tip: EJB 3.0 Compatibility and Migration
  • This Tech Tip shows you how applications written to the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 API can interact with legacy EJB applications, or how legacy applications can interact with the EJB 3.0 API. The tip, originally posted in February 2007, has drawn a lot of interest.

    Deep Dive: Project Tango, An Interview With Arun Gupta (Vodcast)
  • Java.sun.com writer Ed Ort interviews Arun Gupta, Sun Technology Evangelist for Web Services and Next Gen Web Apps (a.k.a., Web 2.0), about Project Tango and how it enables web service interoperability between Java and .NET environments.

    Using the Solaris DTrace Utility With Open MPI Applications
  • Learn how to use the Solaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) utility with Open MPI
    applications. Use DTrace on live production systems to monitor the behavior of
    applications programs as well as the operating system itself.

    A Tutorial on Applying Web-Service Security to EJB Applications
  • Through a stock-quote sample, this comprehensive, three-part tutorial shows you how to use Sun Java System Access Manager and the Java Application Platform SDK with Tools bundle to secure web services based on Enterprise JavaBeans technology.

    jMaki, PHP and GlassFish: Using Caucho Quercus
  • This blog entry shows how jMaki widgets can be embedded in a PHP page and deployed on GlassFish.

    jMaki User Group Meeting: Santa Clara, CA
  • Open to the public. Get involved.

    Deep Dive: Project Tango, An Interview With Arun Gupta (Vodcast)
  • Java.sun.com writer Ed Ort interviews Arun Gupta, Sun Technology Evangelist for Web Services and Next Gen Web Apps (a.k.a., Web 2.0), about Project Tango and how it enables web service interoperability between Java and .NET environments.

    Learning Curve, Part 1: Exploring JavaFX Script
  • This first in a series follows staff writer John O'Conner as he gets started with JavaFX Script. He goes through the steps, so you don't have to -- from downloading the latest JDK to accessing the plugins for the NetBeans or Eclipse IDEs.

    Configuring Portlets for Internationalization and Localization
  • Enhance your portlets for the global audience! Through a sample portlet, this article describes the procedures for internationalization, localization, and deployment of internationalized portlets on Sun Java System Portal Server.

    Learning JavaFX Script, Part 2: Remote Communication Using RMI
  • Learn how to use RMI to effortlessly demonstrate and test client-server functionality with JavaFX Script technology.

    Learning JavaFX Script, Part 2: Remote Communication Using RMI
  • This article draws on your knowledge of JavaFX Script, invoking the Java platform's Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) libraries to allow a JavaFX graphical user interface (GUI) to communicate remotely. Learn how to use RMI to effortlessly demonstrate and test client-server functionality with JavaFX Script.

    Storage Utilities in Practice: ZFS Snapshot to Amazon S3
  • The author compares the cost of local disk backup solutions to that of offsite storage utilities and offers a sample implementation guide.

    Mashup Styles, Part 2: Client-Side Mashups
  • Learn how a client-side mashup works, and explore some of the considerations related to this mashup approach.

    Sample Application Using JavaServer Faces Technology, Seam, and Java Persistence APIs on GlassFish
  • Get a look into using the Seam application framework with Java EE technologies.

    Achieving Interoperability with Ajax using Java and .NET Technologies
  • While Ajax and the associated frameworks that allow rich internet applications to be created are growing in stature and power, consider interoperability as a major factor in deciding how to build your applications.

    User Authentication on the Solaris OS Part 2: Introduction to PAM
  • Learn to use PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) for user authentication, which decouples the authentication mechanism from the application.

    Screencast #Web 5 - Creating Mashups with jMaki
  • Mashing up the Maps screencast_web5_creating_mashups_with
    This screencast shows how jMaki allow to embed and interact with map widgets in your application.

    First JRuby App in GlassFish - Screencast
  • Learn how to develop a JRuby application using the NetBeans IDE and deploy it on GlassFish.

    Sun and Microsoft Interoperate for Web Authentication, Part 2: Sun Java System Access Manager and SharePoint Portal Server 2003
  • This article shows you how to integrate SharePoint and Access Manager to achieve single sign-on. Subsequently, you can also administer through Access Manager the authorization policies of .NET applications that rely on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).

    Sun Datapath Policies for Disks and Disk Arrays
  • Datapath policies for disk and disk array implementations are documented for drivers for the Solaris OS, and management applications that issue SCSI, Fibre Channel, and iSCSI commands.

    JavaFX and Advanced Mobile Devices
  • JavaFX Mobile Product Line Manager Jacob Lehrbaum joins Hal Stern, VP of Global Systems Engineering, on this podcast to discuss JavaFX technology strategy for advanced converging mobile devices and what's available for developers today.

    JavaFX Update, Plus Compiler Incubator Project
  • The July 2007 JavaFX update release includes the announcement of the JavaFX Compiler Incubator project, the Casual demo (IM client in JavaFX Script), and SVG to JavaFX Translator. Significant updates to the JavaFX plugin in NetBeans are also included.

    Learning JavaFX Script, Part 1: An Introduction to JavaFX Script for Java Programmers
  • JavaFX Script is a highly productive scripting language that enables content developers to create rich media and content for deployment on Java environments. This article, aimed at traditional Java developers, is a brief but thorough introduction to Sun's exciting new technology.

    End-to-End Tracing of Ajax / Java Applications Using DTrace
  • This article shows how the Solaris DTrace tool can help trace Ajax applications, starting from the JavaScript code executed in a browser environment, to the Java back end on the server side, and beyond.

    NFSv4 Namespace Extensions (Demo)
  • This presentation, with demos, shows you how to use mirror mounts and referrals to help decrease the complexity and administration of managing your namespace with NFS.

    Storage Device Evolution: General-Purpose Peer Processing Arrives
  • Storage devices have evolved, and that evolution will lead to the near-universal adoption of general-purpose hardware and software as an implementation strategy.

    Screencast #Web4: Creating Mashups with jMaki - Display RSS feed in jMaki Widgets
  • This mashup pulls RSS feed from a blog entry and display it in two different widgets, without any extra effort. The NetBeans IDE is used for tooling and the jMaki-enabled web application is deployed on GlassFish.

    Project Tango: An Overview (PDF)
  • Read this comprehensive overview of Project Tango (also known as Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT)), an open-source implementation of the key enterprise web services technologies that provide interoperability with .NET 3.0.

    User Authentication on the Solaris OS: Part 1
  • User authentication on the Solaris OS is explained, and an example program shows how to compare a password entered by the user to their login password.

    Sign up for Portlets, Portals, and Ajax starting July 23
  • Learn how to use the Portal Server and to how to apply Ajax to portlets in Sang Shin's online Ajax Code Camp.

    End-to-End Tracing of Ajax/Java Applications Using DTrace
  • Learn how the Solaris DTrace tool can help trace Ajax applications, starting from the JavaScript code executed in a browser environment, to
    the Java back-end on the server side, and beyond.

    Blog: Project Grizzly 1.5.1 Released
  • Discover Project Grizzly, a Java New I/O API (NIO) framework for building scalable applications in the Java programming language.

    Tech Tip: Performance Regression Testing Using Japex and WSTest
  • Learn how Japex, a micro-benchmark development and testing framework, allows you to write a micro-benchmark for a module, automatically execute the micro-benchmark, and produce results that identify performance impacts due to changes in the module.

Sun Studio

Description: High-performance, optimizing C, C++, and Fortran compilers for the Solaris OS on SPARC and x86/x64 platforms, plus command-line tools and a NetBeans-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for application performance analysis and debugging of mixed source language applications. Multi-platform support, compatible with gcc, Visual C++, C99, OpenMP, and Fortran 2003.

    Project D-Light Tutorial
  • The Project D-Light plug-in for the Sun Studio 12 IDE helps you use the DTrace debugging and performance analysis functionality in the Solaris OS.

    High Performance Computing (HPC) Overview
  • Sun's solutions are designed to simplify the complex world of HPC. Join the Sun HPC Community Portal.

    Multicore Development: Untangle your Threads using Sun Studio
  • Exploit the multiple cores in your machine using the Sun Studio software. Find out how Sun Studio compilers allow you to parallelize your application, detect data races and potential deadlocks, and analyze the performance of your application.

    NetBeans DTrace GUI Plugin Now Available!
  • The NetBeans DTrace GUI plugin runs DTrace scripts from the GUI, even those that are embedded in shell scripts. It can be easily extended and customized and installs into the Sun Studio 12 IDE, NetBeans IDE 5.5, NetBeans IDE 5.5.1, and NetBeans IDE 6.0.

    Using Sun Studio 12 on UltraSPARC T1- and T2-based Systems
  • The latest T2 Sun Fire Servers with CoolThreads Technology have up to 8 cores and 64 threads. With immense throughput performance, they not only run more separate applications simultaneously, they provide increased scalability for multi-threaded applications.

    Solaris Express Developer Edition 9/07
  • This Solaris release, built from OpenSolaris code, includes the latest tools, technologies, and platforms to create Java applications on
    Solaris. Learn more, download, or have a DVD mailed to you.

    Develop and Accelerate Your Solaris and Linux Applications with Sun Studio Software
  • How can you reduce your project schedule, create higher quality applications, and accelerate your applications up to 80%? Join Vijay Tatkar
    as he discusses how the Sun Studio 12 software can simplify your development.

    Calculating Processor Utilisation From the UltraSPARC T1 and UltraSPARC T2 Performance Counters
  • Use the performance counters for the UltraSPARC T1 and UltraSPARC T2 processors to estimate core load and find potential areas for performance improvement.

    Locating Memory Access Errors With Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool
  • The Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool detects and reports common memory access errors such as accessing uninitialized memory, writing past the end of an array, or accessing memory after it has been freed.

    Using DTrace to Demystify Watchpoints in the Sun Studio dbx Debugger
  • The DTrace facility enables you to monitor the internal states of the Solaris kernel in ways you could not have before. A simple D script, as shown in this article, can reveal how the Solaris kernel interacts with applications during execution.

    12 on 12 Questions Submitted by Developers
  • Read the top twelve questions on Sun Studio 12 that developers asked and how Sun's experts answered them in this Q and A.

    New Language Extensions in the Sun Studio 12 C Compiler
  • This article gives an overview of the C-language extensions (part of the
    GNU C-implementation) introduced in the Sun Studio 12 C compiler. Although these
    extensions are not part of the latest ISO C99 standard, they are supported by
    the popular gcc compilers.

    New - Sun Studio 12 Released!
  • The time has arrived for today's developers! Parallel Application Development, Performance, Platforms, Productivity, it's all here. Download Sun Studio 12 now.

    New! Sun Studio Express - June 2007
  • Get an early look at next Sun Studio software technologies. Using an intuitive drag and drop interface, Project D-Light makes sophisticated application and system profiling accessible. It provides an extensible library of instruments that represent the latest advances of profiling technology, including dynamic tracing (DTrace).

    Performance Tuning With Sun Studio Compilers and Inline Assembly Language
  • Here are examples of using a compiler flag or inline assembly language with Sun Studio compilers to increase the performance of C, C++, and Fortran programs.

    Using F95 Interfaces to Customize Access to the Sun Performance Library
  • When porting Fortran source, the Fortran 95 generic interface can be used to allow the source code to remain virtually unchanged and yet facilitate the use of the ILP-32, LP-64, and ILP-64 programming models.

    Sun Studio Express 4 - February 2007 Build
  • Download a preview of the next Sun Studio software release and try it out. The Express program now offers builds of Sun Studio software releases under development for download. Get an early look at new Sun Studio software technologies. New in the February 2007 build are a brand new installer with server/client capability, enhancements to the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and updated Sun Studio compilers that now generate DWARF symbolic information.

    An OpenMP Runtime API for Profiling
  • This paper describes a runtime API for use in profiling OpenMP applications. The API is designed to provide data that enables performance tools to present measurements in the user-model of OpenMP programming. The API was primarily designed to support statistical sampling of callstacks, but it also contains extensions to support tracing.

    Solaris Express, Developer Edition is now Available
  • This new OpenSolaris-based distribution provides an integrated environment for the development of Solaris, Java, and MP-based applications. Simplified installation experience is tuned for multiboot configuration on common laptop and desktop systems.

    Profiling WebSphere Application Servers with Sun Studio Performance Tools
  • This article describes how to profile an IBM WebSphere Application Server
    (WAS) runtime environment with the Sun Studio Performance Analysis Tools,
    Collector and Analyzer.

    Introducing OpenMP: A Portable, Parallel Programming API for Shared Memory Multiprocessors
  • Sun Studio compilers (C/C++/Fortran 95) support OpenMP parallelization natively. OpenMP is an emerging standard model for parallel programming in a shared memory environment that provides pragmas (directives), runtime routines, and environment variables for programmers to easily parallelize their code. This article provides a brief introduction to OpenMP and is of particular interest to
    programmers new to parallel programming methods in Fortran, C, or C++.

    HPC ClusterTools 7 Early Access
  • This new version includes an implementation of the uDAPL Byte Transfer
    Layer (BTL) using uDAPL RDMA, enabling better performance over
    Infiniband. Also included in this new version are fixes to make the
    ORTE more robust. There is also an initial draft of the User's Guide
    now available.

    Using Run-Time Checking Options With The Sun Studio Fortran Compiler
  • Diane Meirowitz of the Sun Studio Fortran compiler team explains how to use several command-line options to enable run-time checks that can help you find bugs in your Fortran programs.

    A Look Inside a Solaris C++ Shared Libraries Patch
  • Ever wonder what's in a patch? Take a look inside a typical Sun Studio compiler patch that includes updated C++ shared libraries.

    Using DTrace with Sun Studio Tools to Understand, Analyze, Debug, and Enhance Complex Applications
  • How to use DTrace in conjunction with Sun Studio tools to understand, analyze,
    and debug software applications.

    Cool Tools: Using SHADE to Trace Program Execution
  • Using SHADE makes it possible to write an analysis tool which gathers
    information from the application being emulated.

    Selecting Representative Training Workloads for Profile Feedback Through Coverage and Branch Analysis
  • Learn two ways of viewing the correspondence between the behaviour of the
    training and reference workloads using profile feedback.

    New Article: Profiling Java Applications With Sun Studio Performance Tools
  • August 25, 2006
    How to profile Java applications using Sun Studio Performance Tools.

    New Article: Profiling WebLogic Servers With Sun Studio Performance Tools
  • August 25, 2006
    This article describes how to use the Sun Studio Performance Tools to profile the
    performance of WebLogic servers.

    Sun Studio Express - August Build
  • August 10, 2006
    Download a preview of the next Sun Studio software release and try it out.
    The Express program now offers builds of Sun Studio software releases under
    development for download. Get an early look at new Sun Studio software technologies.
    Featured in this build are the Sun Studio compilers on Linux, and the Data Race
    Detection Tool (DRDT).

    New Article: The Challenge of Race Conditions in Parallel Programming
  • July 21, 2006
    This article discusses general and data race condition that arise in parallel programming.
    While data race condition problems are common and easy to fix, harder to avoid general race problems can also
    A race condition could be the symptom of deeper design problems.
    A simple parallel partitioning example illustrates these various race condition issues and how to avoid them.

    New Article: Fortran 2003 Features in Sun Studio Fortran
  • June 12, 2006
    The Sun Studio Fortran compiler, f95, already handles a large number of features that are part of the current Fortran international standard, Fortran 2003.

    New Article: Lock_Lint - Static Data Race and Deadlock Detection Tool for C
  • June 7, 2006
    The command-line utility lock_lint analyzes the use of mutex and multiple readers/single writer locks, and reports on inconsistent use of these locking techniques that may lead to data races and deadlocks in multi-threaded applications.

    What's New At The Sun Studio SDN Portal?
  • Keep up to date by visiting the What's New page on the Sun Studio SDN Portal

    Cool Stuff You Can Do to Enhance the Table Component
  • Find out how you can display a message in the title bar
    of the Table component in Winston Prakash's latest weblog entry and, if you missed it before, check out his instructions on
    adding multiple buttons

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Generate Models from SQL Server using Entity Framework Core

To generate models from SQL Server database tables using Entity Framework (EF) in .NET, you can follow the Database-First approach with Ent...